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My feed is set up, where are my properties?

Zumper may have restrictions on properties that are displayed via feed. Your property may be rejected for any one of the following reasons, so please ensure that your properties are kept up-to-date and managed with accurate information: 

  1. Details such as contact phone, contact email, address or intersection, description of at least 2-3 sentences, and at least one photo are missing. 
  2. The listing price for the property must be reasonable for the area where you are posting the property. If you have questions about what is reasonable, we recommend checking the pricing of similar properties in your area.
  3. Must have at least one photo and description of minimum 50 characters
  4. Errors from parsing that prevent Zumper from displaying the property. 

Please note this list does not include every reason Zumper may not accept a listing. Please allow up to 24 hours for the property to be displayed before you reach out. Further questions regarding why a listing is not appearing should be directed to 

More information on Zumper's feed policy can be found here.


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